Design for the Future:
Which brands are truly future-proof

People don't expect every currently successful brand to continue to play a role in the future. Our representative study shows which brands consumers trust and reveals concrete steps companies can take to stay relevant. The effects of war, the climate crisis, and inflation are being felt across all sectors and are of concern to consumers throughout Germany. This is resulting in changes to the way brands are perceived. 


Our representative study “Design for the Future” reveals what people expect from brands and which they expect to play a significant role in the future.

Five trends for the 
design of your brand

More than other demographics, Generation Z makes purchase decisions on the basis of certain values. This has an impact on brand design. We reveal the five design trends companies can consider in their brand design to stay relevant to younger generations.

Soft and clean minimalism


People are increasingly thinking of their health in a more holistic and interconnected way than before. Shine a light on your strengths and use simple, minimalistic designs to convey a positive and beneficial feeling.

Positive and handmade inspiration


Nowadays consumers the world over place a high priority on social and ecological responsibility when they go shopping. Highlight your contribution to a better life and a healthy environment. Combine your values with a visual identity that is natural and fun, out of the ordinary and inspiring. 

Interactive and artificial gamification


New communication and entertainment trends mean that people interact with products differently today than they did five years ago. Make the most of new technologies, and give consumers surprising opportunities to interact with your product digitally.

Barrier-free and inclusive diversity


People see themselves as part of a community in which everyone should feel welcome. They trust brands that practice diversity and communicate it. So make your appearance transparent, authentic, multi-faceted and appreciative of every individual.  

Vibrant and simple tradition


The longing for the good old days is growing stronger in response to Covid, war and inflation. People are looking for moments that give them a feeling of security and confidence. Focus on the essentials and convey proven quality with creative retro references to the heritage of your brand.

Get a first insight into
the cross-industry results

Download the summary of our study as a PDF document

White Paper
Future Check of 40 Food & Beverage Brands

A closer look at 40 well-known food & beverage brands, including concrete design trends that brands can use to communicate their values in a contemporary way. Request your copy of the White Paper now! Just send uns an email at:

Deep Dive
Learn about the potential of your brand identity in a workshop

Our representative study "Design for the Future" allows us to look at the influences of sociodemographic factors on brands and purchasing decisions. This enables us to draw an accurate and individual picture of the target group and its values. We would be happy to conduct an analysis for your company and present it personally in a workshop. If you are interested, please send an email to Inga and her team.

Your contact person

Inga Wolter
Executive Creative Director

Mail to Inga