Webinar: AI in 
Branding and Law

EU AI Act, anti-deepfake laws, copyright law, personal rights - do you have an overview of which regulations can be violated if you publish the output of generative AI? And what does this mean for your brand work? We help you to follow what’s going on and to create excellent brand stories with safety. 

Get fit for the brand work of tomorrow

Whether for image expansion, campaign creation or avatar design - the more tools are used to generate branding content, the more complex it becomes to classify the licenses or possible law infringements of AI-generated content.

We guide you!

We are PSG Imagine. The innovation unit dedicated to elevating brands through creative exploration with generative AI.

Join our webinar! 

Get an overview with team head of our innovation unit Felix May and lawyer Britta Klingberg of the latest trends, the current tool landscape and legal gray areas. Register now: for 4 December, 1:30 - 6:30 p.m.

Start individual trainings! 

Make AI the topic of an annual kick-off - at your location. Whether for half a day or shortened to your questions.  

Break down barriers and obstacles 

In-depth knowledge of AI enhances outstanding designs and services. But at the same time, creating and using AI-generated content means moving in a legal twilight zone. In our webinar and with individual team trainings we provide a creative and legal guide for a wide range of everyday branding and design scenarios. This equips you and your colleagues to streamline processes and elevate your brand for the next era of brand work.

Get in Touch!

Felix May
Director Digital Consulting

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